Royal Ark Mariner

Mark Master Masons are uniquely qualified for membership of one of the most beautiful degrees in Freemasonry, that of Royal Ark Mariner.
Traces of this ancient degree can be found in Craft Workings going back well over 300 years, it is only conferred upon Mark Master Masons and further develops the initiatory rite: a new beginning or a new outlook on life.
The Order contains only one degree and the principal Office is that of Worshipful Commander. It is based on one of the oldest stories found in the Bible, that of God saving Noah and his family from the destruction meted out to others by the deluge. This theme can be found in most if not all Holy Books throughout the world. The ritual focuses on those attributes and virtues exemplified by Noah and the symbolic uses of the working tools of the degree are beautifully and informatively explained.
The explanation of the steps taken by every candidate from the west to the east are most especially important in this degree, as are the addresses given by the three principal officers to the new member.
Unlike many other Orders the degree is not a homily and the symbolism in Royal Ark Masonry is anything but basic. The degree has been under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons for over 130 years and is governed by the Grand Masters Royal Ark Council. Members of that august Council wear a distinctive collarette bearing a coloured representation of the world with wings attached. All other members wear a readily identifiable rainbow breast jewel or a rainbow collarette if holders of Provincial or Grand Rank. Each Royal Ark Mariner Lodge is attached to a Mark Lodge, but not necessarily under the same name.
In the Province of Wiltshire there are 8 Royal Ark Mariner Lodges.
(Thanks to the Mark Province of Staffordshire & Shropshire for the words)